
Encrypts plaintext with a key and an optional nonce.

encryptkey, [ nonce,] plaintextenvelope



Key to be used in the encryption operation.



Helps to prevent replay attacks. If you don’t provide a nonce, Confidential generates one for you.



Value wrapper for the plaintext to be encrypted.


Promise for an Envelope

Wrapper for the ciphertext and nonce products of encryption. Suitable for use with decrypt.

encrypt is a generic function, accepting an encryption key and plaintext to return a ciphertext wrapper that can be decrypted with decrypt.

Warning: Signing key pairs are incompatible with encrypt and causes encrypt to throw.

You may use an existing nonce (such as a counter), using Nonce.from. The nonce must be nacl.box.nonceLength bytes long.

Warning: Re-using a nonce can compromise your private keys.

The plaintext must be first placed in a Message container using the Message.from class method.

encrypt returns a Promise that yields Envelope, which encapsulates the ciphertext and nonce. This container may be passed to decrypt to recover the original plaintext. You may format the envelope using Envelope::to.


Symmetric Encryption

Warning: Private keys should only be accessible to their owners.

import {confidential} from "panda-confidential"
{encrypt, Message} = confidential()
import {keyLookup, write} from "my-library"

do ->
  alice = keyLookup "Alice/private"

  plaintext = Message.from "utf8", "Hello, Alice!"

  envelope = await encrypt alice, plaintext

  # You may serialize with the instance method `to`
  write "greeting", envelope.to "base64"

Asymmetric Encryption

Warning: Private keys should only be accessible to their owners.

import {confidential} from "panda-confidential"
{SharedKey, encrypt, Message} = confidential()
import {keyLookup, send} from "my-library"

do ->
  alice = keyLookup "Alice/private"
  bob = keyLookup "Bob/public"
  fromAliceToBob = sharedKey.create alice, bob

  plaintext = Message.from "utf8", "Hello, Bob!"

  envelope = await encrypt fromAliceToBob, plaintext

  # You may serialize with the instance method `to`
  send "Bob", envelope.to "base64"